Make Your Own Polishing Wax For Wood Bowls and Other Turning Projects Like Yorkshire Grit

Make your own yorkshire grit

DIY Polishing Paste Like Yourshire Grit for Woodturning Projects

Earlier in my life I purchased everything I needed. I had the money to buy stuff and that’s what I did. Nowadays I have a need to make my own and I enjoy it immensely!

Woodturning provides plenty of opportunites to make your own woodturning stuff, tools, finishes, jigs and so on.

Wanted to Make My Own
Yorkshire Grit Polishing Paste

I’ve been wanting to make my own finishing wax/paste for wooden bowls. I’ve read and watched a handful of videos on how to make the sanding paste. It really didn’t seem to hard and others seem to get some awesome results with using these types of sanding and finishing pastes. Basically it is:

1. Beeswax
2. Mineral oil
3. Diatomaceous earth

Different Methods and Techniques to
Make the Polishing Wax

It seems that each formula has something a little different and in different amounts. Even the way they put the materials together are different. One guy boils, the next uses a microwave and the one I want to show you today uses a blender to heat and mix all materials together for a perfect finishing paste.

mixing and pouring the finishing paste that is just like yorkshire gritThe approach that is followed in this video is using the vitamix blender or any blender to generate the heat to melt the wax instead of doing a double boiler. Really makes it fast and simple

I stumbled on a youtube video by Kim Tippin where she explains her method of making her own sanding paste in some detail. After watching her video you will have enough info to make your own sanding/finishing paste that will take your woodturning projects to the next level.

applying the diy yorkshire grit sanding pasteThe nice part about using a sanding paste is that you can get a super fine finish that would be ready for a final finish of your choice ….or leave it as it is and just wipe some mineral oil on it when it starts to get dry.

This Sanding/Finishing approach is totally food safe.

At the end of the video I show you some of the better commercial sanding pastes, you might want to buy one just to see how similar yours is to something you buy off the market. In any case, enjoy the free information and make yourself some sanding/polishing paste.

I’ll give you a list of where you can purchase the materials needed to make the paste. Keep in mind, you can add essential oils to the mixture to make it your own special blend.

Kim Tippin Calls it DIY Fast Abrasive Paste

Her Recipe

32 OZ – Mineral Oil

8 OZ – Beeswax

8 OZ – Diatomaceous Earthfew drops of essential oil (optional)

Get all materials needed at the below links


Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

Mineral Oil

And She Thanks:

Thank you, Daniel Vilarino, for sharing your recipe. I too have come across his method of making this sanding paste and can stand for his quality.
His link:

Of course you could go out and get some Yorkshire grit 🙂

You might want to follow Daniel Vilarino ….he has some pretty good techniques and procedures to share when turning wood. Tell him I sent you 🙂

2 thoughts on “Make Your Own Polishing Wax For Wood Bowls and Other Turning Projects Like Yorkshire Grit”

  1. Sounds terrific. However, I am under the impression diatomaceous earth is dangerous to inhale. I would be suspicious of it becoming airborne when using this paste to polish wood turned projects.

    Here’s a link that discusses this in plain English, and an excerpt from it:

    “….Food grade diatomaceous earth is not intrinsically carcinogenic, but the changes to the lungs that a person can suffer from through silica exposure can lead to lung cancer. The dust can be especially irritating to a person with a pre-existing disease of the airways such as bronchitis, emphysema or asthma….”

    1. Thanks for the comment. DE is used in many applications, like any fine powder could be dangerous if inhaled. I sanded drywall at a time when the compound had asbestos in it …..they said to wear a mask but most did not since the dangers of asbestos were not fully known at the time.

      If you feel threatened by using diatomaceous earth ….don’t use it. Food safe DE is used in natural health treatments of the gut for parasites ….I could go on…..we use if mixed in chicken food.

      If you were interested in trying it, use a mask to protect yourself from breathing any possible dust.

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