WoodTurning Basics for Spindle Roughing Gouges

sorby roughing gouge

How to Use Roughing Gouges

The roughing gouge and spindle roughing gouge is very easy to use provided you use it in the correct manner. Always use these gouges on material that is turned between centers and the wood fibers run parallel to the lathe bed. DO NOT USE the roughing gouge on end grain!

My First Experience with
Spindle Roughing Gouges

I remember setting up my lathe and putting the first piece of wood on it. The first piece was a branch and I was going to try to turn a candle holder. I opened up my set of harbor freight turning tools and grabbed something that looked like a gouge of some sort….I really didn’t know at that time and plowed ahead. The candle holder worked out and it sits on the shelf as a reminder to myself.

Big NO NO …I used the Roughing Gouge on a Bowl!

The next project was a bowl. I watched some videos and mounted a piece of wood on the faceplate. Grabbed my harbor freight tools and started to turn. I had 3 gouges, I thought they were bowl gouges they wqere 1″, 3/4″ and 1/4″. I knew enough to not stick that little skinny tool into the spinning wood, so I tried the other gouges. What a mess! I had one heck of a time, catches every time I stuck the tool into the wood. I didn’t know what I now know, never use a roughing or spindle gouge to turn a bowl …..IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!

Roughing Gouge Lesson
Learned the Hard Way!

To end the story, after about 50 catches and feeling very defeated, ready to sell my new lathe…..I tried some scrapers. I ended up finishing the thing with scrapers.

So, if you are new to woodturning and want to know what roughing gouges and spindle roughing gouges look like and how to use them check out this video, it will be very helpful to you and keep you from making the stupid mistake that I made!


Carbide Roughing Gouge, Roughing Gouge, Roughing Gouge Amazon, Roughing Gouge Angle, Roughing Gouge Bowl, Roughing Gouge Chisel, Roughing Gouge Ebay, Roughing Gouge Review, Roughing Gouge Shape, Roughing Gouge Sharpening, Roughing Gouge Sharpening Angle, Roughing Gouge Size, Roughing Gouge Techniques, Roughing Gouge Use, Roughing Gouge Vs Bowl Gouge, Roughing Out Gouge, Roughing Spindle Gouge, Sorby Roughing Gouge, Spindle Roughing Gouge Angle, Woodturning Roughing Gouge

2 thoughts on “WoodTurning Basics for Spindle Roughing Gouges”

    1. Thank you, just getting started on the site, should look a lot nicer in the next 30 days and easier to navigate.

      Only been turning for 3 years or so….it became addictive and now I spend less and less time on my website building and promoting business 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by

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